Inspire. Collaborate. Connect.
Thank you for joining us for our Wrap & Relax events. Both were very successful and we thank our MNCAPS students for their wrapping skills!
Thank you for joining us at Pau Hana and for your support.
It was MUCH appreciated! Stay tuned for our next event!
Check back for our upcoming events and follow us on Facebook!
Our Statement on Anti- Racism
The Laker Educational Foundation is committed to supporting all students, staff, and community stakeholders in PLSAS and fully embraces diversity, equity, and the inclusion of all voices. We do not tolerate racism and are committed to removing any barrier that may prevent any of our students, staff, or community stakeholders in PLSAS from accessing the support we are here to provide.
Follow our journey.
Feel free to contact us with any inquiries!
Phone (Voicemail)
(952) 226-0063